A new beginning

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Zombies and ice

Well I know, I don't write so much atm hehe. But today I have something to say! I'll start with my dream that I had this morning... was kinda disturbing actually. I dreamt I was with someone, maybe it was Vitor but I'm not sure, cuz whoever it was he wasn't there for a long time. Anyway we were in this kinda city and we had to get home somehow... I think we had been at some kinda amusementpark but I'm not sure. So, we were on our way home, and there was a lot of traffic that wasn't moving and such. Then I for some reason decided to look into one of the cars, and old volvo actually hehe. I look at the driver who is a man in his 50's i guess but he's dead. Kinda blueish looking, lost all the color of life. So I quickley back up, in shock! I go to the next car cuz I have to tell someone but then I see that that man is dead too, and I start to look around and find that they are all dead! Then I turn my attention to the people walking around and what do I see? Well hello, they have all turned into zombies!! FFS!! They look like the walkers from the tv show The walking dead. So I scream and start to run and then all of them points their attention towards me! And at this point the person who was with me is no where to be seen and I'm all alone with hundreds of zombies! Then I hear some noise and see two cars speeding towards me, their intention was to pass me but kind as they were the people tried to help me. They kept on driving though and I ran until we ended up in this kinda barn or whatever it was... weid since it was in the city but anyway. Big empty wooden house. Kinda like a warehouse too I guess, but there's no floor, just dirt, hence I say barn. There were 2 zombies in there too but we killed them by smashing their heads with shovels. Very much like in that tv show. Then one of the men from the cars sits down on the ground and starts drawing with some small stick. It's obvious that he lost someone and he draws a heart and write E + some other letter that I couldn't see. Somehow I knew he'd lost someone named Erica. Then we found another zombie inside that barn and we killed him too, but when he fell he landed very close to that heart that the man drew. So the man grabs the dead zombie by the hair and starts to smash his head on the ground by that heart. He says something that's almost like what a priest says in prayers. Like "the father, son etc..." But this man said something more like "this is for the father, the son and so on as he was smashing the head into the ground. As he was doing this eventually the jaw fell of and it was kinda disgusting.... And then the man started talking about tentacles and drew 2 dots in the heart. That part I didn't get at all and then I woke up.... Weird yes.... hehe.

Anyway, next thing. Today me and Yin took a walk. Was very nice and sunny outside and I also took a look at my dogs grave now that it's not snowcovered anymore. Gonna go out there and remove some leaves and such tomorrow. But as we were walking we took some naturepictures and such, and I even recorded Yin while she was on her "adventures" on the melting ice hehe. Watch it here

And here is some of the pics I took, there's one of a weird man poking in the leafs with a stick on the other side of the fence... what was up with that?! hahaha and then there's one pic of Yin "flying" hehe.

Now I'm gonna play some Sims 3, but it's not gonna be as nice as it was yesterday... Cuz last night while I was playing I was listening to my love play guitar and sing!! So nice!!!! I hope there will be some more of that tonight!

Monday, 28 March 2011

12 days

That's not much! And in those few days I will be able to hug my love all the time for 10 whole days!!! It's gonna be so nice!!! Can't wait to fall asleep in his arms and feel the closeness and comfort... I love him so much!!!!

And I'll just post two random pictures here from the catshelter last time I was there hehe:

Nearly dead

Well, I mentioned I had stuff to write about and one of them was the fact that I almost got hit by a bus. "Fun" right? Thing is, I was waiting at the street by one of them places that you're supposed to cross the street. Some cars passed by and then a bus came, it slowed down and then the driver gave a flash with the headlights, so I was like okay, he's letting me cross. So I start walking, and then the idiot driver starts to speed up so I start to run, and I get to the middle of the street with the bus passing about 30cm behind me. Christ... I really thought he'd hit me and I'd end up in a hospital or die...F*cking idiot...

Sunday, 27 March 2011


It's been an interesting day for sure. Didn't sleep much last night since I was up talking to Vitor a little toooooo long hehe. But I had to get up cuz Malin was gonna come here. And she did, but she didn't spend the night as the plan was at first. But I did make her those promised cinamon rolls hehe. And since it's my birthday soon she gave me a present. And it was such a beautiful present, I'm so happy for it. It was a sktetched portrait of my dog Ludde. She had ordered it from a pro artist, and it's so beautiful... Looks just like him. And it's a bit funny cuz the picture is one that I took of him and yo can even see a little reflection of me in his eyes. An amazing detail! I'll post the original photo and then the sketch so everyone can see:

Got more to write about but I'll write that tomorrow hehe.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Ticket to ride!

Hehehe, well I booked my ticket to Portugal today! Leaving on the 9th and get back on the 19th. I'm so looking forward to it! I feel like I got a lot accomplished today, I did the cleaning (almost done), some laundry, booked the ticket, did the dishes etc... Oh and I was talking to that woman about the Leonberger, but turns out they already had someone to watch him. BUT, she would keep my number if they would need someone in the future. Guess that note I was reading had been up there for a while cuz she said Loke (the dog) is 9 months now, and on the note it said he was 5 months hehe. Ah well. Tonight there will be some gaming I guess, didn't play anything yesterday and it's unlikley I will tomorrow since Malin and Charlie are coming over. Well okay I guess I better finnish the cleaning then so I can sleep for as long as possible tomorrow... considering that I'll be up late tonight hehe.

Listening to Vitor sing and play guitar now, which is very nice :p aaaand he's very talanted too :p . In 2 weeks I get to hug him for real woohoo!

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Kisses are nice yes. But in Sweden we normally only give them to the people we love, or posibly a REALLY close friend. It's not a comon thing that we go kiss someone on the cheek. We hug people or shake hands. And this is making me feel very uncomfortable since in Portugal they do kiss eachother on the cheek. I was talking to Vitor about it and he said it's not a big deal... but for me it is. Me and Yin had a little chat about that before she went to her parents house today. She feels just like me about it. I think that for someone who is used to it it's impossible to understand how uncomfortable I feel about it. For me a kiss is something I only give to a special someone or my pets. I made a comparsion while talking to Yin about it actually, "This make me feel just as comfortable as if I was greeting a girl by grabbing her brests or something".

Of course I want to "embrace culture", but at the same time I don't want to ruin the meaning of a kiss for me. But we'll see... I've been through it before... Felt really weird about it then as well. I'd be okay with it if it's someone I know or have met before, but if it's a "new" person I feel so awkward. Why can't hugs be enough? I can give plenty of hugs! That's a true sign of affection to someone. A kiss is too "sensual" or something...

Ah well... I guess I'll keep thinking about it and maybe I'll get used to the thought. Anyway I went to the post office and picked up my games today. Gonna try them out in a bit, but first I need to go do some laundry cuz my friend Malin is coming over this weekend to celibrate my birthday in adnvance hehe. Also I need to call some strangers! Hehe, I saw a note when I was about them needing someone to walk the 5month old Leonberger. They wrote that they'd pay 200E a month and that they'd want the "doggywalker" to keep the dog at his/her house during the days. Sounds good to me. So I'll call them in a bit.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


So, I was on my way to the post office, but just outside my door I decided to read the text again to make sure it was the post office I thought. But then I realise that the text just said that the package it sent, not that it's already at the post office! Bah... I wanted my games.... But okay, I'll get them tomorrow or on friday so I think I'll survive hehe.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm gonna try to book a planeticket hehe. But ofc I gotta wait until "someone" informed his family about all of this hehehehe. Looks like I will leave on the 8th and come home on the 15th, if there's tickets for those dates of course. But we'll see. It's not a final decission yet.

Now I got some sparetime as I was planing to go to the post office and then check out my new games, so instead of that I'm gonna change the sheets in my bed and copy some old cd's to the pc. Been a project of mine for a while hehe... didn't copy anything for over 2 months though I think, so I'm kinda tired of this damn pile here on my desk... But who knows maybe I'll find that boring and play some Sims or Killing Floor instead hehe. And I'm guessing Vitor will be home soon too, so that'll be nice.

Actually I'm gonna try to get a hold of the music from that Burlesque movie. Very nice actually. I recomended my mom to watch it, think she'll enjoy it. Ah well, better get started now hehe.


Watched a move called Burlesque last night, and omg it was so nice! I'm definitly gonna watch it again hehe. Ended up going to bed late cuz of that but okay hehe. I still did good today. Did the dishes, cleaned my room, gonna clean my hamsters cage in a bit and then after dinner I'm gonna head to the post office to get my new The sims 3 games. Which I decided to do just now cuz I got the text about a minuit ago that they were ready to be picked up hehe.

Watching yesterdays episode of Big Brother right now so yeah, I feel like i've been able to do a lot more than I planed today. Nice! Well then, time to clean my hamsters cage!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Looks like I'm going to Portugal!

Hehe... yeah it does... Now I'm a bit nervous...hahaha! Well, not sooo much yet but I will be. I'm not so nervous about the travel and the plane connections cuz I've travelled alone before so I'll be fine. But I really hope I don't need to go on any airport busses... hate them so much! hehe.

Actually the thing I was most nervous about was to tell my dad and then that he'd say he don't want me to travel etc. But actually he said "if you can afford it then I think you should go", hehe I don't even know if he know about Vitors and my relationship hehe... I don't think he does, unless my sister said something, she's good at that hehe. And then ofc it's posible that he overheard me and Yin talk some time so I don't know...

So anyway, I have to check flights and such and I'll most likley be gone for about a week some time between the 9th and the 22nd of april. I also have to keep in mind what saturdays me and Malin are supposed to be at the catshelter. Aaaand I have to set up a "date" with my mom hehe. She wants us to go out for coffee some day around my birthday... well.. ofc I wont drink coffee though hehe.

I'll write more about all of this as soon as I know more myself hehe. Oh btw, it seem like people have gone crazy bying me presents for my birthday. And everyone is talking to everyone so they know what everyone else is giving me.... And then the bastards wont tell me... Sneaky little feckers...hehehe.

Productive night

I'm still awake! Hehehe.... I think Vitor might punish me tomorrow since I didn't go to bed yet, but I don't mind hehe. Me and Yin realised that we were hungry at 4am, so I made us some chicken nuggets and cous cous. After that we had some tea and talked about traveling and other stuff.

I wonder if I'll get my new The sims 3 games today. I hope so hehe. And Yin need to go to the post office so it would be nice if we both have something to pick up (unless I get the games in the mail but I don't think so). Speaking of The sims, I played it a bit today. Not much, but enough to have to screenies to show. First one is the family portrait which looks ridiculous but ok hehe. Mommy is named Allison, daddy is named Keagan and the baby Beverly. I made the mom's name start with an A and the daughters name with a B for a reason hehe. Gonna make a line of relatives from A to Z, not that I'll make it that far cuz I'll surley get tired of the family before that, but we'll see hehe. Second pic is just something that made me laugh a lot. Was gonna choose the underwear for the dad and he "spawned" with those bunnyslippers! Haha, ofc I didn't keep them but I still found it funny hehe.

And then I'll finish of this post by saying good morning to Vitor who most likely will be the first one to read this post hehe. And I took a screenprint of out very creative status updates on facebook:

And yes, I removed our lastnames cuz I didn't find it necessary for people who read my blog to know them hehe.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Maybe CSI?

Well... what do I have to say today? Not much I guess hehe. Gonna do the dishes in a while and I need to watch Big Brother and The walking dead which I recorded yesterday. And I HAVE to watch it in time so I can record todays episode of BB. Sigh hehehe...

I really like the fact that it's you and me now. It's feels good, and right. We did get close very fast and at first that scared me a bit cuz I didn't want just another crush. But eventually I realised it wasn't one, it was more. And I'm so happy that I can tell the difference now. And I so wish I had you here with me now. I would love to just lay in bed and watch a movie or something... maybe CSI, that you like so much hehe. I guess I've kinda stopped watching that latley, but I do enjoy it a lot. Love you honey!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Rose hip soup

Felt a bit feverish last night so I went to bed early. Had 12 hours of sleep I think hehe. But I'm feeling better now so maybe that was all I needed. It's a beautiful day today by the way. The sun is out and reflects in the snow. Lovely! However I'm still by the pc hehe. It's a weekend after all and that means that the boys can play games all day! woohoo! hehe.

Having some lunch now, pizza from yesterday hehe. Also drank a big glas of rose hip soup (had to google that word, yes) which is very good cuz 2dl of that stuff gives you your entire dayly need of vitamin C hehe.

Vitor is asking me to play killing floor now so I'll do that hehe. Maybe I'll write something more later.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Time for some Sims?

Well... Panda was playing The Sims earlier today and posted some pics on her blog.... Now I kinda feel like doing that too hehe. Maybe not today though cuz I also have this urge to play killing floor. Dreamt about killing floor actually hehe. I've forgot what happend but yeah, sure was about kf.

Listening to Green Day today. Been a while since I listened to them now, well I guess I've heard a random song here and there but I used to listen to them every day. Was my favorite band for quite some time actually. Think I have like 7 cd's by them... Cd's.... haha wow.... I wonder when I last bought a cd. Now everything is in mp3 format.

Imagine how people in about 20 years will think that me and others are so "oldfashion" with technique and stuff... Hahaha it's pretty funny actually. I bet when I have kids that are like... 15, then I'll be asking them to help me turn a movie on and such things. Just as my parents ask me sometimes...

Ah well... I'll play some kf now I think, just gonna go downstairs and say hi to my dad first hehe.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

These words

Well what can I say.... I wake up to these supercute messages every day and I love it! Got a song in my head since a few days back and I guess it kinda speaks to me hehe

Cinamonrolls and lemonade

Well... that's what my friend Malin wanted me to serve on my birthday hehehe. Okay I can do that, but then I definitly need help to eat all the cinamonrolls cuz they are always some left. And you can't save them too long cuz they'll get dry... bah... Ah well, I guess I'll do some baking then, but just cuz she asked me and cuz Vitor asked me to do another bakingvideo a while ago hehehehe.

Me and Vitor watched How to train your dragon tonight. I love that movie so much. It's awesome. But Now I think I'm gonna head of to bed and watch tonights episode of Big Brother which I recorded. Why? Well I was busy gaming and watching that movie hehe. So peace out everyone! hehe.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

A final goodbye and a brand new start

I realised, that I didn't finish saying goodbye to some memories. Of course memories are something I will always carry with me, nothing can change that. Either way, I was up late, crying and thinking back at things that were and things that never happend. I needed that. It was an important step that I thought I passed already. But I'm glad I did that now. Because it was time to say a final goodbye to the time I spent with Diogo.

I needed to make sure that my heart is free to take on this new relationship. I want to be able to give my heart fully to you Vitor, and I feel like I can do that now. Believe me, I'm so happy with you honey.

And... good morning! hehe

I'm yours now honey

Tonight I'm going to bed with a smile on my face. I am no longer single! Hehe, I bet we'll have a lot of questions about it tomorrow. Especially from InFlames and Marevin hahaha. Unless they found out already, which I think they might have. But I dunno. We'll see.

You mean a lot to me honey. And I always sit here waiting for you to come home. I wish that the "come home" part actually ment the same house so I could give u a hug and ask you how your day has been. I sure miss you when you're not around and it feels good to know that we're actually in a relationship now. We've kinda acted that way for some time now but since we don't know eachother SO well yet we didn't want to tell everyone. But I think it's better this way. Cuz then we don't need to hide stuff and we can call eachother honey as much as we want in game....

I can't wait for the day when I can actually look into your eyes. I'll be a bit shy so I'll look away a couple of times but it'll still be such a nice time. Probably I'll bite my lip a bit too, just cuz I'm a bit nervous and my tummy full of butterflies hehe. I'll probably talk a bit fast as well so I guess you'll say "what?" a couple of times to me hahahaha.

I so wish to give you a real tight hug and for you to hold my hand... Which I've been told will fit perfectly hehe.. Well, what I want to say is... I love you Vitor!

Remember that question?

I asked you a question once before, and yeah it was a bit early.... But we know eachother more now and I know, it's still a bit complicated and all.... In a way I want to ask you that question again, but at the same time I don't. 'Cause I wouldn't want to hear the same answer as last time so I prefer not to ask and leave that question to come from your part when your ready for it.

We touched the subject a bit in a text yesterday and well... yeah... I'll just leave this in your hands now hehe..

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I'm so not up for doing anything usefull today... Was up really late again and I guess that's why. But I really have some stuff to do so I better get those done by tomorrow at least. Ah well..

I'm a bit bored... Waiting for Vitor to get home but I know it'll be a few more hours....sigh... Guess I'll work on my killing floor perks a bit hehe. Oh I should clean my hamsters cage as well hehe.

Check this btw, it's hilarious:

And today I'm listening to this song over and over again hehe:

This damn feeling again...

Had a nice day. Finished all my laundry, did the dishes while Yin cleaned the kitchen etc. Then some of the usual gaming with the boys and it was all very nice. But now everyone went to bed, and I guess I should too but I don't know. Suddenly I just felt sad... maybe reality hit me. I really need to straighten out this shit now. I'm tired of just being home. And I miss some friends who I barely spend time with anymore. Even gamers on steam I've kinda lost touch with. Sure I'm happy hanging out with the boys, but I had other friends too. Well, I guess they still are my friends but we just barely talk any more. And when they invite me to games I'm always to busy in game that I don't even have time to tell them "sorry no, not atm, already in game". Shit... I've been acting kinda stupid latley. Maybe this feeling is a sort of guilt. Like... It's been AGES since I had a game with Panda, Attila and Sniik....wtf... Am I really that busy that I can't have one game with them?

Maybe it's these stupid achievements... I'm addicted to them. It's ridiculous really. But still I enjoy it. I think that after my dog passed away I've just let myself do whatever I feel like for the moment instead of actually do what is necessary. I NEED to get a job or study. But I just can't find any. I'm gonna look into that nurse thing a bit more I guess, but thing is... Even if I think it could be nice, it's not really a dream of mine. I wish I had a dreamjob. Something to motivate me to do what I need to do.

But all I want is a familly life, with kids and dogs... And come on, I'm only 21... well, almost 22 then... Isn't it a bit young to want all that now? I've told people before that it might be because I had to grow up quick and be the woman of the house when my parents got divorced. And maybe it is. Most people my age dream of seeing the world, get their own place etc... But I want the messy house, the pain in the ass-kids, the dogs that steals stuff of the table and the car that never works. The familychaos...

Sunday, 13 March 2011

No movie yesterday

Was taking my nephews to see SANCTUM yesterday, we got the tickets the popcorn and all that shit, and then the person who checks the tickets before we go in says we can't. The movie was from 15 and my nephews are 14, and when they were asked to say their personal number ofc they said their correct one.

And well, there wastn't much to do. All other movies were from15 years as well and the ones who weren't aired to late since we already had a cab booked to take my nephews back to their city later on. Sigh. So I told them to throw their popcorn away after eating as much as they could in a short time and that I'd buy them crisps or whatever they wanted when we went by the store on the way home.

We ended up watching a movie on my pc, so at least we got to see something hehe. And well, we went to McDonalds when we were in town as well so at least we got to do something.

Well... I'm gonna do some laundry and hopefully my fluffy squirrel will wake up soon hehe. Otherwise I'll text him hehe. I'm so evil....nah, okay I'll be nice. Today I'll let him sleep since it's sunday hehe.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Fluffy drew me of a cliff!

Yesterday me, sk0m, flames and marevin were playing killing floor (as usual). We were playing on some modded server that had vehicles which was VERY amusing hehe. Then some kid showed up and started playing with us. And ofc the guys started trolling him imideatley hehe. I wasn't saying much to him though, nice as i am hehe. Then sk0m and flames came up with the idea to get this kid killed by driving of a cliff hahaha. And whaddaya know they managed to do so. Flames was driving with the kid in a car but jumped out just before the car went of the cliff hehehe. And the funniest thing, the kid thought it was me!!! Hahaha omg... Check the video sk0m recorded:

Thursday, 10 March 2011

|173rd| Fluffy Fox.... nah...

Well, last night I made 2 new friends. Clan people hehe. They invited me to join their clan as one of them was the admin for the group or whatever. I said sure, why not. But then I came to think of the fact that I see RageQuiters as a clan. Sk0m told me that they didn't want to write -RQ- or something like that in front of their names cuz it might get harder to get players for L4D2 and such. And then one of the rules they have in this 173rd clan is that you can't doubbleclan if the games are being played in both groups. And then they said I need to get xfire and this and that so I said I'll just play with them sometimes instead. My loyalty with remain to RageQuiters! Hehehehe.

Facebook surprise

Yeah, it's early in the morning and since I didn't go to bed yet I decided to check steam. And there was a message waiting for me! And little did I know, that it was a message filled with sweetness and fluffyness. As I now go by the name Fluffy Fox, then maybe you could guess that I love fluffyness hehe.

But actually, from this person even a "hi" would be enough. Just that would be filled with fluffyness! But it's a nice thing to hear words like this at this hour "i just can't stop thinking about you.. as soon as i close my eyes.. all i can picture is your beautiful smile.. your beautiful look.. and your sweet voice doesn't get out of my head to.."

You mean a lot to me honey, I wish we could meet some day soon... You're an amazing guy you know.. You got a heart of gold. And as we sometimes say, I'm the devil. Maybe I'll take you to my hell and melt your golden heart hehe. But I'll play nice, I promise ;)

Teamleader Fluffy Fox

OH MY GOD! Hahaha! Me and Panda decided to have some late night gaming, and we first said that we were gonna play Left 4 Dead, the first game. I never played the first one actually. But I had to install it and it would take too long. So, we decided to play Killing Floor instead. First we tried the Skatemap which is my new favourite hehe. There's some screenshots from that map on my Steamaccount. We did okay but we died a liiiittle bit early hehe. Panda doesn't play kf a lot so we changed to the easiest map instead, Mountainpass. First it was only me, Panda and some afk guy and for some reason we couldn't votekick. As he was afk he just died of course, but Panda died to for some reason I don't know, so I started of alone hahaha. Had zombies for 3 to kill but since it was on normal and first level it wasn't so hard, but still a biiit scary hehe. Then we had a few more players joining and looking at everyone's perk and the level (wich was very low over all) I decided to be medic and also carry a crossbow. Good combination.

Also, Panda and I were the only ones using mic. But oki. I somehow became teamleader, telling everyone where to go and also telling people to leave the "biggest" zombies to me and some other guy who also had a crossbow. And I felt like I was babysitting some of them cuz they didn't know where to go so I had to wait for them all the time to keep the team together. And we made it to the Patriarch wave (the last one with the boss). But when I came out from the trader some smartass had placed pipebombs inside the damn building... sigh.. So I was like: okay now we gotta lure him in here so we wont waste them, and well, it worked. But THEN I had to tell everyone to back up with me so we could hide among some cars and such cuz they were just standing in the open! And one by one they all died. Just me left... Wohoo... not. Haha, I'm used to being one of the "worst" players or whatever to call it. Well, the guys I play with are better than me. But now I was one of the best, calling all the shots and such. So, I made a little run for it, cuz I wasn't in a good place to fight him. I shot him a couple of times (had an xbow and a grenadelauncher) but ofc I had to keep running as well. And as I was asking people to go find the Patriarch and check how many syringes he had he appeared from out of nowhere and launched a rocket on me. Dead Fluffy Fox that is hehe. But it was kinda amusing seeing people writing stuff like "Go Fluffy" hehehe. And it was nice to be one of the best for a change. It sure made me more confient so maybe it even made me a bit better?

Wow, I didn't think there would be so much to say about a single game. But it was nice I guess. Missed having sk0m around though, but maybe the fact that he wasn't there forced me to play better. I had no one to ask for help, I had to be the one to go help others. Cool... hehe.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

There's someone I like

Hehe, yeah there is. And he knows it. He even told me he likes me too! He told me that he wanted me to post an entry, and I know he wanted me to write about how I feel about him hehe. But I'm not sure I want to write to much here. I'll tell you things in private yes, like you do to me. But I can say that I love to be around you and you make me feel really good just by being there. I really enjoy your company. And I'm glad you liked the letter I sent you hehe.

I'll probably write some other entry when the urge to write strikes, but at the moment I prefer talking to you and then I can tell you the things right away instead of typing it here.

I will!

Write a new entry that is, hehe. Had a few people asking me to do that, and of course I will. I've just had my head elsewhere the past few days. So I'll start with the pictures from the catshelter last saturday. Here goes:


Someone's sleepy hehe

This might be Chippie Hill, but I'm not sure hehe

Malin playing with Cloetta

Some more playing hahaha



Omg... so high!

Hehehe, this funny looking kitty cat has a very suiting name; Earless!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Oh right! The museum!

Was there last wednesday with my nephews. Had a pretty nice time but it is tireing considering that nowadays my sleeptime is daytime hehe. Kinda like this btw:
Hehehe, nah ofc not. But anyway, there isn't really much to say about the museum. Was the one about natural history though, my favorite. Not sure why, cuz I've already seen everything there... sigh.... But I do have a few pics and a video to show. The video is just... ehhhhh... hahaha:

Actually, I'll post the video later, cuz right now "someone" is asking me to come play killing floor :P And to post the video I first need to clear it up a bit so I'll do that later.

Here's the video:

Friday, 4 March 2011

Butt on ebay?

Hahaha omg, after basically everyone went to bed last night I started talking to a friend of mine from Finland. And he sure made me laugh a lot! Hahahahaha christ... I just had to save parts of the conversation and post it here hehe. To be "nice" I'll only call him L, and V is of course me.

V: i'm thinking of becoming a nurse...
V: humm

L: :)
L: not bad choise
V: cuz i need to do something.... i can't just sit here and since i'm not getting a job i might as well study
L: i was thinking become scum :D
V: hahahahah wtf xD
L: yei have been sitting here 1 year soon
L: i dont know what i want so probably i become alcoholic :D

V: xD
L: street trash
L: i know what i wanna be
L: i want be a love doctor

L: im gonna go educate my self for love doctor
V: haha wtf xD
V: so how r u gonna educate urself? XD

L: i open own store ¨people come for me with relationship problems and i will be like buy her a flowers, make him nice barbeque food¨ then im gonna charge 50euros in hour
L: for beginning ofcourse but when i got experienced i will charge 100-1000euros 1hour
L: depens who is my client
L: and if some old lady come to my place and wants sex i will offet her my sex for hmm 10.000euros 1 hour
L: love doctor do all things...
L: it might work in america...
L: but i dont think it will work here :D

V: true true xD
V: maybe u could go to las vegas?
V: i'm sure u'd do great there xD

L: i want be a man whore
L: expensive one

V: hahahahahaha xD
V: how much would u charge? XD

L: first i will sell my virgin butt to someone for 1.000.000$
V: xD

L: and after that hmm...
L: i dont know if ever have to sell myself again
L: :D
L: maybe i should put my butt on ebay

L: virgin butt start price 1.000.000
V: xD
V: oh christ xD

V: if someone told u right now, that u could have anything u wanted in the world, but just one thing
V: what would u wish for?

L: that someone love me to the end of his heart beat
V: awwww
V: that's so sweet

L: and i hope that would be a girl :D
V: hahahahahaha
L: not a dude who pay 1.000.000 for my butt
L: what about you?
L: what would you wish?

V: i think i'd wish to have my dog back, and that he'd live with me until the day i die

L: no really if you see me now you would be so scared
V: y? XD
L: i got boxers on t-shirt, my hair is so messy, i smell like cigorets and chocolate cream and my eyes look like i have been take some drugs
L: there is no many people who has seen me like this and those who was got traumas for sure
L: i look so nolife

L: well you have to see me when i wake up after i nolife like 3days straight
V: xD
L: i am scared to go look myself in to a mirrow
L: one time i scared myself when i look

L: but it was becouse i was sleepy

Hahahaha, well... what can I say? Is there something to say? I don't think so hahahahaha. But he's a funny guy, I gotta give him that hehe.

Nurse Vixie?

I need to do something, I'm tired of just sitting around the house. So I was checking some educations since there just doesn't seem to be any jobs lurking around the corner for me. So what do I want to do then? I found myself checking nurse educations again, and why not? I'm fairly good with people. Yeah, I think I'm actually gonna apply as soon as the option to do that opens.

Well I guess...

I just can't stay mad at you hehe. And I really wish you didn't need to go to bed now cuz after all... this night did end very good. I really love the sweet things you tell me. And really... you mean so much to me.

So mad, so sad

Well, today I thought I was gonna write about the museum i visited with my nephews last wednesday. But no, I got other things on my mind right now.

I'm trying to be nice and all I get back is total shit. It's so not fair. I just don't want to deal with this tonight. I was in such a great mood and then this night ends up like this. I don't know everything... I don't know what game your playing all the time cuz I'm not checking steam every single minuit. I had teamspeak on and you say you talked to me but I didn't hear anything. That's not my fault is it? Maybe it's just small things but then we have the fact that I asked you earlier to come to teamspeak and you said you'd go there later. So I waited too, I tried to make you all happy and then when I decide to check teamspeak you're there singing? wtf... I was trying to cheer you up and there you are sounding all happy. I overlooked that and since you said you were busy I went to play with Mega instead. And well, as I told you, I didn't hear nor see you starting to play killing floor. I'm so mad right now cuz I feel like you had no reason acuse me of the things you did. And then I'm sad cuz I thought I was one step closer to that big decision I have to make. But I guess it was just one step forward and two steps back.

And then a big thank you to the people who tried to talk to me about it. I appreaciated that you noticed something was wrong.