A new beginning

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Not capable of writing!

Am up! Hahahaha. Well finally hehe. Went to bed at 9am this morning.... Ah! Dunno what to write! I'm just overfilled with joy! This will be a good day, I'm sure! Love this feeling inside me!!


Haha, I'm not sure what to do with myself! I don't know what to with the energy! I'm tired but I'm filled with happy energy!! I've sure had a great night and I hope it's not over yet! I would have no problem staying up all night for sure! Well gang, love you all!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Another trip down memorylane

For no reason at all I came to think of the band I'm from Barcelona. Now how did that happen, I haven't listened to them for years!! But it's happy music and I like it!
"I have built a treehouse, I have built a treehouse, nobody can see us, cause it's a you and me house!"

Monday, 27 December 2010

Patriotic heart

I'm listening to a bunch of patriotic Irish songs, I've always liked Irish music. To bad there's no good patriotic swedish songs cuz it's kinda weird to feel patriotic about another country... Well.. Haha, never mind, who cares after all? And maybe I'm just happy. If I had my voice back I would certainly be singing hehe.

I've gotten to know some new people these past few days, and I really hope to know them even better. They seem to be a great group of people. And I guess I want to thank them for making me smile and laugh so much even though I'm sick. So a big reward to you guys!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Christmas sneaking up on me

Owww.... I was so happy writing a christmas poem and everything and then this page crashed :(
Well... I guess I can at least post the song I was listening to while I wrote it :)

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


That's what I've been doing all night, I didn't get many hours of sleep at all. But I'm up, got a math test over webcam... could be interesting to see how that will work. I've done it before in an English course, but that's a bit different. I have no idea if it'll actually be a real test or just more of a talk what grade I'm gonna get. Either way I passed all 3 other tests so maybe it'll go quite well after all. I guess I should to a quick recap before the test starts. See ya!

Monday, 20 December 2010

Nothing left!

Energy that is. Woke up around 10 today but I still stayed in bed until 15, got a feeling I'll be back there soon. I'm not coughing so much yet but I will. And I'll do it for a long time, I always do that. Maybe a month? Nah, probably a bit more... And it's ridiculous 'cause if i go down stairs and get something and then go back up, I'm out of breath!! This aint gonna be a fun xmas... Was gonna see my mom tomorrow over a cup of coffee, but we decided that she'll come here instead so I can stay inside. But the day after though, I got my final exam in maths, HAH what if i loose my voice!! But I can't porspone it. It's already a bit late to do it. And then we have a third thing witch bothers me, I don't have all the xmas presents yet!! Maybe there's some time to buy it later cause we aint seeing people until a few days after... Ah anyway, I just keep rambling on so I'll just stop here.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Long day

Well, got up early to go to the catshelter. I had a very nice time there with some real cuddly cats, but also had to invent som strategies to clean where some uhh... "unhappy" cats were hehe. I was pretty tired already after that, but I didn't go home, no no, I went to help Yin move her stuff from her old house. By subway! Haha! what a sight... we were laughing so much carrying these heavy bags and taking breaks just after a couple of meters hehe. Also it's my sisters birthday today so she were gonna come over to our house a bit with her husband and two of her kids. Hence the first thing I had to do when I got home was clean the house! zzz... Well anyway, as she got here I had alredy promised to cut her and her kids hair, so some more work for me! But I've done it a coupple of times now so it doesn't take so long. Got pretty pleased with the result myself so I hope they were too!

Oh btw, I've got a pic of me and a cute kitty cat from today hehe. But as I'm very tired I'm to lazy to go fetch my camera so I'll post it tomorrow! Peace!

Thursday, 16 December 2010

After rain comes sunshine! erm.. I mean snow...

Tonight, I mean... this morning ended up being a good one, I'm really curious to see where this is going. Got a bit of a sore throath today again but some juice might be all I need. Lot's of snow coming down, maybe I should pop my head outside to take a picture... well we'll see. At least today I'm happy again. Maybe it would be an idea to start the day of with a game of Chime.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Bad day/Alive

Woke up with a headache and choosed not to get out of bed. I just hid under my cover and escaped into the world of dreams. However it didn't work so well, I needed some time on my own, but still you managed to find your way into my dreams. Even when I took a walk the surroundings were dark and dangerous. So I found my way back to you. And why do I? Sometimes I feel like I'd do better if I didn't have any kind of feelings at all. Just going through the motions. I have two songs in my head today. They both reperesent kind of well how I feel, especially the second one. First one is Bad Day by Daniel Powter, and the second one is a song Sarah Michelle Gellar sings in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Well... I'm missing my dog. It's so empty without him. I made this video a couple of years ago, before I was interested in photography so be ware of some bad pictures hehe.

Monday, 13 December 2010


I feel pretty cold, haha atm i'm wearing a fleecejacket, a blanket and slippers! Well.. other clothes too of course! hehe. But all my pants that r nice to wear at home are being washed so I'm wearing a dress... which equals cold! hehe. Anyway, I'm working a bit on my jigsaw too, it's really take ages to do since the blue part is soooo boring!!!

Sunday, 12 December 2010


Why are thoughts so confusing sometimes? How come you don't always know what you want? One should be able to know I think... Today i just don't want to do anything... Okay one thing, I want to talk to D, I think I need it... But it's not gonna make things easier for sure... But maybe at least it'll feel right, cuz at the moment something is definitly missing...

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Today I spent the morning at Kattstallet (a catshelter) which was nice as usual. I got a small "mark to remember" today on my finger hehe, one of the cats would have prefered I was further away I guess. My friend Malin got one too, same finger, same hand hehe. I took some pictures today as well but I've got my camera down staris so I'll upload those pics another day.

Anyway, after I got back home I was so tired I just went to bed stright away. Slept for a couple of hours too... I guess I really needed it. And now I feel like having some Ben and Jerry's but I don't have any :( Maybe later on I'll have such a craving for it that I'll go buy some hehe!

Friday, 10 December 2010

How annoying!

I wrote some stuff about how I feel tired today, and that my throath is sore... I hope I'm not coming down with what Yin have. After I wrote this I added a couple of pictures which were really giving me a hard time to stay in the right place, and then when I was posting the last picture this website decided to kick me out. FUN! Or not.. Well, here we go agin:

Late night ramble

I'm still up yes. Sitting here with Yin and I'm not really doing anything I think haha! xD Anyway I had a nice day, went to buy some xmaspresents with my friend Tove. After that we ended up having a movienight watching How to train your dragon. I really love that movie... It's just awesome! Hehe...
Well.. I don't really have much to say so i'll just post a few more pics. It's quite nice to do that, cuz otherwise i just have them in folders on the PC and no one sees them... So here goes!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

A moment captured in time

I've been talking to Yin about having a photosession, I'm really looking forward to it. We discussed taking some portraits and such since we usually take naturepictures. Some variety is always nice. Either way i thought I'd post some of my pics.



Well, I have tons of pictures, but this should be enough for now hehe.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Hey World!

I just love the way a guy says that in an instructionvideo on youtube. It's just hilarious haha. Well, I woke up at 9 today, which is pretty interesting considering that I fell alseep late, I mean early, as usual. But then I figured I'd close my eyes for another 10min and next time I laid my eyes on the clock it was 1.30pm hehe.

I guess I should go find something to eat and after that I have to send some boring emails and such. Gah! Just don't feel like it... I'd much rather be talking to Yin like I did almost all night hehe.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Back in time

I'm listening to a bunch of rock now, feels like back in the days hehe. I can still feel what I felt back then but yet I'm so very different now. But maybe it's just the outside that has changed, maybe the person I was back then is still inside me? It would make sense if that was a fact, but I guess I thought that I've changed too much for that person to still be left inside me.

Haha one of the weirdest bands I ever liked must have been Clutch. Listening to "Burning Beard " right now. Maybe it's the guitarplay I like? Cuz the singing sure is crazy!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

I should be involved in making of L4D maps...

Didn't write for 2 days, I guess I just didn't have anything to say hehe. Well today I sure do, I played this awesome map of L4D2 in my dream! Haha. I should write it down and have the gamecreaters make it! Hehe.. So I was in a hospital, the mission was to cure as many zombies as possible before the hospital burned down. But it was also a very hard map cuz you could only cure the ones that were "nice" and you couldn't tell that just by looking at them. You had to carefully walk up to them and see what happend. There were no weapons, so you had to improvise, after a while though I did manage to find a crowbar but come on, one weapon?! At one time I had to kill Boomer by squishing his head 3 times between a door and a doorframe! Hehe at least I figured out something to do! In this map you needed to have a defibrilator, some pills, a shot, one of those things u use to listen to hearts with and a knife. Then as you tried to cure these zombies you were to use different combinations of some of these things. Another thing that made this map very hard was that there was crossbreed zombies or whatever I'm gonna call them. So this means some of them got very good and were hard to kill while others were just plain right stupid. In some cases you could have a boomerjockey which jumped up on peoples heads and then it was basicly impossible not to get vomited on. Also you could have a Chargerspitter wich was pretty hard to deal with too... Oh, and there were other zombies too, that arn't in the game. But I'm really glad I didn't run into Tank on this mission, cuz I mean, is it even possible to kill him with just one crowbar?? Haha, anyway, it was a nice dream, and finally my headache is gone! Now I'm of to see if any real map could give me as much trouble as this one did! ;)

Thursday, 2 December 2010


I was up all night, didn't go to bed until 8am. Why? Well I was playing Half Life 2 with Reaper and I made a cake for Yin hehe. It's her birthday today so I woke her up with a cake with 21 candles bruning ;) It looked pretty nice i think, not overworked :D

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Waiting in a winterwonder land

Yeah that's what I'm doing! Hehe, I'm waiting for my friend Malin to pop by with her supercute cairnterrier ;) He hasn't been here since my dog passed away so he'll probably wonder where one of his best buddies are :( I'm also waiting for Reaper to log on cuz I wan't to play some Left 4 dead 2 before Malin shows up here.

Well... I guess I don't really have a lot to say at the moment... Oh I can say something about my dream hehe. I don't remember much of it today though, which is pretty unusual. It was about my mom. We were at some kind of festival. There were bands playing and people screaming... A lot of my friends were there, some which I haven't seen in ages. After a while it was time for everyone to go home, and it didn't take so long cuz this place we were at wasn't huge. Also it was indoors. So in the small chaoes that arises after my mom came up to me and told me she had lost an earring. Haha! So within a minuit I was crawling around on the floor looking for it!
After that I dreamt some other things too, but I just remember bits and pieces so there's not much to tell :(

Now I'll continue my waiting and fill out some papers. ;)