A new beginning

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Long day

Well, got up early to go to the catshelter. I had a very nice time there with some real cuddly cats, but also had to invent som strategies to clean where some uhh... "unhappy" cats were hehe. I was pretty tired already after that, but I didn't go home, no no, I went to help Yin move her stuff from her old house. By subway! Haha! what a sight... we were laughing so much carrying these heavy bags and taking breaks just after a couple of meters hehe. Also it's my sisters birthday today so she were gonna come over to our house a bit with her husband and two of her kids. Hence the first thing I had to do when I got home was clean the house! zzz... Well anyway, as she got here I had alredy promised to cut her and her kids hair, so some more work for me! But I've done it a coupple of times now so it doesn't take so long. Got pretty pleased with the result myself so I hope they were too!

Oh btw, I've got a pic of me and a cute kitty cat from today hehe. But as I'm very tired I'm to lazy to go fetch my camera so I'll post it tomorrow! Peace!


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