A new beginning

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Eurovision part 2

So, let me vent my oppionon on some more eurovision contributions!

8, Bulgaria

Nice song even though I don't have any idea what she's singing. Action on the scene and well... I think this song will have a chance to win the entire thing. 9/10.

9, Croatia

Humm... okay song I guess, but again one song that sounds like thousands of others. 6/10.

10, Cyprus

I like this song, but I don't think it really has a chance to win. It's a typical ballad though. Very "greek", but that's not so strange hehe. 7/10.

11, Denmark

Nice meolody! I could imagine myself listening to this. Gotta coment on the singers hair though, looks like he stuck his finger into an electrical outlet hehe. Giving this song 9/10!

12, Estonia

They've got people moving around ant that's nice but the song is pretty bland. At one part I expected myself to know the text so I assume there's some song that's VERY similar to this. 4/10.

13, F.Y.R. Macedonia

14, Finland

I think this song will go far, however according to me it's just another song. As I said before, ballads aren't my thing. But I'll give him this, I listen to the text, which means he caught my interest and a winning song needs that. 7/10.

15, France

So... now it's time for opera again! He's got a nice voice but meh... Well, they'll get votes I'm sure but they wont win. And in my book, I can' give more than 5/10, that's just how it is.

16, Georgia

Eh... what to say.. I'm bored... She's got a nice vocie, ahsame to waste it in this song. 4/10.


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