A new beginning

Saturday, 30 April 2011

What am I missing?

Should be sleeping... need to get up soon to go to the catshelter... Feeling a bit... I dunno... sad? Unsecure? Well something feels wrong and i just don't know what it is... That dream last night sure didn't make it better... Past few days words feel just like words and I don't know what... I feel like something's missing and I'm not sure what to do about it. I don't even know what it is but I hate the fact that my dreams these past few days go in different directions. What am I supposed to do with my life? I feel like there's a message in my dreams and they finally came back to guide me and now they start to confuse me again... I don't know what it is I've been sad about these past days either... I'm not sad as in crying but there's just something.... this little emotion that make me feel so lonley. I guess the lonley part is cuz there's parts of my dreams that I don't want to share with my friends cuz I feel like it's important that I keep it to myself... Ah well... guess I got a date with my pillow now. Cyas!


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