A new beginning

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Pirates of the caribbean

Yes, I'm of to watch that movie in about 30min, gonna wait until my nephews get here first though cuz they are coming with me. Gonna take them to McDonalds or Burger King or something and then Panda will join us at the cinema.

My alarm har been messing up all morning, ringing like every "something".30 wtf... was supposed to just ring at 10.30 but ah well I'm up now so I guess it's okay. But boy am I tired hehe. Me and Vitor have been playing Minecraft all night, I really like the house we built hehe. Went to bed at 5.15 this morning btw. Time to get going now I quess. Cyas later!

Saturday, 28 May 2011


I wish people could just stop being sad, angry, depressed and everything... I just want people to be happy, and every time it seem like someone is feeling better then something happens and everything just goes straight back to how it was.... And everyone who reads this and feel targeted, just so you know, it's not just you, it's quite a few of my friends...

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Buy my photos!

Anyone want to give me some money by buying some of my photos?


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Happy birthday honey!

Today Vitor turned 20! That is a special number indeed, cuz now he gets to remove the 1 in front of his age. I remember thinking about that when I turned 20. Was a bit weird at first to start writing 20. I really hope this will be a great day for him, cuz someone who makes me so happy every single day surley should be awarded with an awesome birthday. And for the next ones I'll be by your side love!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Eating breakfast now, gonna go see my friend Tove in about half an hour so I better hurry up eating since Ï also need to dry my hair xD Dreamt about my love again, and AGAIN I dreamt we were in the same school haha! I don't even go to school anymore so wtf! Well more specificly I dreamt we were in my previous school and my roomate Malin wasn't there so I asked Vitor to come sleep next to me in my room hehe. Then he was all cute saying that we'd sleep together every night, and I guess we could do that since he had a room to himself so I could just go sleep there hehe. And for my friends who went to that school and read this, I think he had either Sofias or Saras room hehe.

Oh and by the way last night me and Vitor was watching that new movie Rio, was very nice and I'm so gonna watch it again. Need to watch it in swedish too of course hehe. After watching that movie we also watched one called Hot Tub Time Machine, cuz my baby REALLY wanted to watch it hahahaha.

Well I gotta go now. Cyas!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Pictures and a clip

I'll put a few pictures here, but there's more on facebook for the people I know hehe. Also I have a clip of some bears climbing a tree on youtube, click here.

So tired right now...

I had a really nice day today. Started of with some chatting to my love in the morning and then I went to meet Panda and Sniik to go to Skansen, which is kind of a zoo we have here in Stockholm. We had a nice time and we got some nice pictures too. I'll upload them tomorrow though, am to tired right now.

After Skansen we went home and ate some BBQ and played that game me and Panda played just a few days ago. Aaaaaaaand, I won! hehehehe. Then I spent the rest of the night with Vitor and Mega, played some dominoes and pig on Skype and then me and Mega played a few rounds of Texas hold 'em on Facebook. Haven't played it for years, was nice!

Now I'm gonna lay down in bed and continue talking on Skype with my love! Goodnight everyone!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Let's take a trip to the zoo!

It's 10am and I'm up, my love is still snoring a bit on skype though hehe. Gonna take a shower in a few min cuz today I'm going to the zoo with panda and sniik (I'll definitly take some pics!). Will write more later tonight or tomorrow depending on how tired I am, but yeah, I think it'll be tonight hehe.

Friday, 20 May 2011


Saw this on Family Guy tonight and I laughed so f*cking much!!!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

I was so sleepy this morning when Vitor woke me up! And the past 2 days we've even tried to go to bed earlier since we're both aware of the fact that we won't sleep right away when we go to bed, we'll stay there and talk for like 2 hours or something. Which is very nice!

But yeah... need to gather up some energy to finish cleaning my room with all the rearangement of furnitures and such. Was at the bank today though so Panda could renew her ID-card which expired in January! Hehe.
It's sunny outside yet so far today so I even got the urge to buy some strawberries before we went back home. I'm gonna save them for later tonight though as a kind of "pc-snack" hehe. Oh and a funny thing, as I was buying the strawberries Panda weren't staying in line with me, she was standing "on the side" or whatever to say. And then as I had payed and walked towards her she told me that the man I gave the money were checking out my ass! Hahahahahah! Wtf! Ah well... he can dream I guess but there's only one guy for me. Love my sweet boyfriend so much! <3

Then as we got home we cleaned the backyard porch from leaves and other trash that's been laying around for a while. Feels good to have that done now too. After that we decided to make lunch, chicken nuggets and rice with some sweetchili sause. And while making the food (and while eating it) we played a game which is basicly like Trivial Pursuit. I love games with questions. Love to answer them. It's just so nice to test oneself.

Oh and I made these yesterday btw:

And also, last night I put this jiggsaw back in the box, I've had it laying around on my desk for a while since I finished it.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Cleaning, a wasp and then some marshmallows

Me and Panda decided to do some cleaning today cuz after all we want it to look atleast "ok" before saturday when we'll have a visitor! hehe. We cleaned the entire groundfloor and a wasp somehow found his/her way into the kitchen. I caught it in a glass and slid some paper under it so we could take it outside. We put it on the table at first and then we realised this was an exelent moment to take some pics of it! Third one is quite an amazing closeup if I may say it myself hehe.

When we were done with the cleaning we BBQed some marshmallows! Very tasty! Been a while since I did that but I really wished my baby had been there with us. But geez I'm full after eating the marshmallows hehe.

Monday, 16 May 2011


I made some of this potato thingies and put some spices on it. So easy to make and so delicious! Then a sneaky little panda showed up and stole a few hehe.


Today me and panda have been out running errands all day but it's good to get stuff done. I kinda need to clean my room so I'm gonna try to do some of that tonight already unless I get stuck in some game with the guys or something hehe. And also, my dear friends, today it's the "2month anniversary" for me and Vitor! Time flies, doesn't it? I love him so much and I'm so glad I can wake up and see that lovley smile every morning, even if it's "just" on skype.

This morning I for some reason found it very amusing to take pics of my face but I cropped the pics a bit though and I guess some of them contains some expressions and feelings... at least in my oppinion. But it's not easy to take pics of one self since then I can't see when I'm taking the pics! But I'll post the ones I decided to save here:

And I also have some pictures of some deers if anyone is interested hehe. They are always around my house. One of them still didn't quite shead his wintercoat so he looks a bit like he's got some disease or something. The girls have their beautiful goldenbrown summerfur already though!
 It's not great quality cuz of the high zoom.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Dreaming away

Got up a little bit earlier than usual this morning, around lunchtime! hehe...  Did some laundry and the dishes and then me and panda took a walk to feed some ducks. Unfortunatley the ducks weren't there today so we just took a walk. Then we played some "Kubb", very nice game.

Now I'm sitting here dreaming away listening to Owl City. It's amazing how the songs from that bad just make me (and others) dream away and feel that everything is gonna work out and be so nice.

Oh, and... I love my honey!!! <3 hehe :P

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Evening people!

Was a nice day today, sunny actually. To bad I missed most part of it sleeping hehe. Had a nice evening too, been on tinychat with my babe, flames, mega and marevin. Even panda was there for a while in the beginning hehe. Took a pic and uploaded it on facebook. First time we all use cam's. In teamspeak there's just voice. Well... vitor I see all the time since we sleep with skype on hehe but it was nice to see eachother in daylight again!

Not sure what I'm gonna do now, but I wont continue my eurovisionthing though, too lazy for that tonight. Ah well. Have a nice night everyone!

Friday, 6 May 2011


Woke up late today as usual, it MIGHT have something to do with the fact taht i fall asleep around 5 every morning hehe. Well, me, panda and my dad went shopping and my dad was pretty drunk since he took a day of work today. We bought a lot of stuff so that's nice. It's good to go with him shopping cuz then we can buy what we want instead of my dad guessing what we want.

As we were going home my dad started to talk to some guy who I realised was a cabdriver that sometimes drives my dad home. So he asked him if he was driving today but he wasn't, but after talking a bit he decided to drive us anyway, in his private car!! hahahaha! Me and panda were a bit like "ehh..." hehehe. But okay we got home safe and sound and right now I'm eating some springrolls that my dad and panda made this morning. I made my dad buy new ones today since i paid for the ones they made and not him. Didn't really feel like eating it atm but I felt a bit hungry and meh.. hehe better than candy. Which I by the way bought a bit too much of considering the fact that I was saying to Vitor last night that I should try to cut down on it hehe. Or actually, it wasn't me who bought it, my dad was like: Oh and you want this and this, and maybe that... etc.. hehe so yeah... got a bit too much stuff I guess hehe.

Gonna play some plants vs. zombies now as I wait for the sweetest boyfriend in the world to come home and talk to me! Cuz hey world, don't know if I told you all, but... I LOVE VITOR! <3

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Eurovision part 2

So, let me vent my oppionon on some more eurovision contributions!

8, Bulgaria

Nice song even though I don't have any idea what she's singing. Action on the scene and well... I think this song will have a chance to win the entire thing. 9/10.

9, Croatia

Humm... okay song I guess, but again one song that sounds like thousands of others. 6/10.

10, Cyprus

I like this song, but I don't think it really has a chance to win. It's a typical ballad though. Very "greek", but that's not so strange hehe. 7/10.

11, Denmark

Nice meolody! I could imagine myself listening to this. Gotta coment on the singers hair though, looks like he stuck his finger into an electrical outlet hehe. Giving this song 9/10!

12, Estonia

They've got people moving around ant that's nice but the song is pretty bland. At one part I expected myself to know the text so I assume there's some song that's VERY similar to this. 4/10.

13, F.Y.R. Macedonia

14, Finland

I think this song will go far, however according to me it's just another song. As I said before, ballads aren't my thing. But I'll give him this, I listen to the text, which means he caught my interest and a winning song needs that. 7/10.

15, France

So... now it's time for opera again! He's got a nice voice but meh... Well, they'll get votes I'm sure but they wont win. And in my book, I can' give more than 5/10, that's just how it is.

16, Georgia

Eh... what to say.. I'm bored... She's got a nice vocie, ahsame to waste it in this song. 4/10.

Early walk

This morning I had some troubble falling asleep so I went for a walk between 5 and 6am hehe. Took some pictures but it was rainy and gray so they aren't very good. Plus the fact that I didn't see I had the wrong setting on the camera cuz of the small screen... meh...