A new beginning

Monday, 23 May 2011

Eating breakfast now, gonna go see my friend Tove in about half an hour so I better hurry up eating since Ï also need to dry my hair xD Dreamt about my love again, and AGAIN I dreamt we were in the same school haha! I don't even go to school anymore so wtf! Well more specificly I dreamt we were in my previous school and my roomate Malin wasn't there so I asked Vitor to come sleep next to me in my room hehe. Then he was all cute saying that we'd sleep together every night, and I guess we could do that since he had a room to himself so I could just go sleep there hehe. And for my friends who went to that school and read this, I think he had either Sofias or Saras room hehe.

Oh and by the way last night me and Vitor was watching that new movie Rio, was very nice and I'm so gonna watch it again. Need to watch it in swedish too of course hehe. After watching that movie we also watched one called Hot Tub Time Machine, cuz my baby REALLY wanted to watch it hahahaha.

Well I gotta go now. Cyas!


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