Oh my God... What a day! haha! Went to bed at 7am this morning after spending the whole night with Vitor, flames and mega. Hehe, Vitor and I even ended the night by talking strategy on skype hehe. Either way I had to get up at 10.30 today since I was gonna go see my mom at a mall. I didn't get up until an hour later than I was supposed too, but okay, I still made it in time cuz I figured I could use my bike. BIG FAIL! Hahaha, nah, I guess not but christ, my ass hurts from the sadle!!! Hahahahahaha xD And well, I didn't use my bike since before the snow came so I was totally out of shape for that... sigh! I actually had to get of and just walk with the bike sometimes hehehe. Anyway, I eventually got to the mall and me and my mom ran some erands and such. Like, I finally went to the watchmaker and had her remove 2 links from the braclet thing on my watch, cuz it was a bit too big for my arm. Then we went to Forex to change some money into Euro. I got 171E now hehe. Acutally I'm gonna go check right now if I don't have some coins layin around somewhere here....I did! Not much though hehe, 2E and 70Cents hehehe.
After Forex we went to check for some new pants for me... See I got the problem that everything that's in my size has to freckin long legs!! It's so annoying... I always end up folding my jeans up and such.. I really hate that. Next time I feel "rich" I'm gonna go to one of those stores that have jeans as their specialty! After a long serch I ended up getting a black pair of leggings which wasn't really the plan but okay hehe.
Then my mom and I went to a caffé, she had a sandwich and I tried this carrotcake thing... Was lovley but too much for me to finish it hehe.
We also saw some other fun stuff, like these cuties... Was on the window of a pharmacy, I have no idea why hehe.
And then we saw this... bad quality on the pic I know, but look, the thing on his "chestpocket" is ORANGE!!! Hahaha, and he has red socks!!! Hehehe... jesus... fashion these days eh? XD
We had a nice time mom and me hehe. At last I had to do some grocery shopping so she came with me to do that too, and omg what a line... was like a joke! But I guess it's cuz everything is very cheap in that store hehe. After that it was time for me to ride my bike home again... sigh! XD
Aaaaaaand, as I get home, Yin meets me at the door asking if there's any mail in the mailbox hehe. I check it and yes there is, but nothing for her moahaha. Then she tells me that our friend Reaper sent some package that was gonna be delivered at the door. And that it was supposely delivered yesterday. And if no one answers the door they leave this note in the mailbox. It's kinda weird though that they left a note cuz I was home... So I guess the delivery guy must have knocked the door like as he was tapping a very fragile glass or something hehe. And then as Yin and I talked about it I realised that I saw the note the day before! But I thought it came with the flowers Vitor sent me, cuz it didn't really say anything else than the deliverydate, my address and some package id number, so me and my dad was like okay, guess this is for the flowers and threw it away! Hahaha! This ended up leaving me and Yin dumpsterdiving hehe. We went thorough so much garbage trying to find that f*cking little note... First we gave up, but then we decided to give it another try, fully equipped with these cusion things to rest our knees on as we were searching through these disgusting things... yuck... And whaddaya know, I eventually found it!! I put it on the ground and we started to read the package id, but there was some foodstuff on it so I was gonna remove it very carefully, but unfortunatley I wasn't careful enough and accidentaly wiped of a few numbers. DAMN!!! But then we realised that the note didn't really tell us much anyway, cuz it didn't tell us to call them or something (we will but anyway). But seriously... people passing by on the street and such must have though we were nuts! Hehehe....
So after all this, now it's time for a nice long bath!! Gotta get this filth washed of me! But before I do that I have to go talk to Yin about a very amusing phonecall I just got from my mom hehe.