When dreams pisses you of
Had a long night of sleep. Which was nice. If I don't think about the things I dreamt. First thing I dreamt was that me, my dad, my sister, her kids and her ex (who is her ex since like 6 years ago!) were gonna go somewhere together. I think we were going to Skansen (which is a zoo here in stockholm, and the oldest of it's kind in the world). I think we were even supposed to go stay there or something (which you can't). Anway, the "important" part is that we were gonna take the subway there, and my sisters ex gave me this freepass, and I was like ok, and tried to use it. But then the woman who stamps the tickets said I couldn't use it, and didn't really give me a good reason why. I was kinda stressed out so I thought "whatever" and handed over my ususal ticket so she could stamp that instead. And wtf! The woman says it doesn't work and that I need to plan my trips better?! I try to have her explain to me why it doesn't work, cuz I have more clips left on it than I need for that trip. Eventually I get tired of arguing with her and since I hear the subway coming I just dash pass her and run up the stairs. Then up on the station it's all a big confusion with my family since I took so long down stairs! The train comes and eveyone get's on, but then we realise that my dad didn't! I tried to hold the doors but no success. We just figured he'll have to take the next train. Then there were some stuff happening on the train too, but I don't remember that. Only thing I remember is that I was gonna check something in my wallet and my ATM-card fell out. It slided all across the train so I had to run after it.. bah... riduculous.
This isn't enough no, I have more dreams! Haha, I'm telling you, this is no short entry!
Second part of the dream that I remember is a bit weird. Or everything is weird! Haha! Me and Malin were at the catshelter as we are every other saturday. First thing that happend there was that some cat had managed to break the vaccumcleaner by chewing the tube of it. A big hairy cat btw... hehe. Anyway, we don't use a vaccumcleaner where the cats normally live so it didn't matter that much. Then we walk into this room where there's a washingmachine, cleaningproducts, blankets and such. And in my dream it for some reason looks like a bloody videostore!! There's tons of movies in there! Wtf!? We started to check some of them out thinking that this and that one would be nice to watch. Then Pirjo (a woman that works there) comes in there, picks out Titanic and says to us: we really have to remember to watch this when halloween comes. Me and Malin: Yeah! definitley! Wtf?! HAHAHAHA Etither way, we then decide it's time to start working. Malin says she wrote on the board that we were gonna take care of the blue and pink ward, so I go to get some stuff. Then when I got it, I go back out there and I find Malin in a bathtub???!! Me: What the hell are you doing?!!?! Malin: I'm taking a bath.. Me: WHAT?! HAHAHA omg that was so weird... she had bubbles and everything!!! Hahahaha! And there's not even normally a bathtub there!!! Christ... So weird...
Okay onto the next dream, which is actually weird just cuz I needed to hurry to get to the catshelter, so in a way it happend before the previous dream. Ah well. Here goes:
I'm in this store, I wanted to get something to drink before going to the catshelter. For some reason I had decided on getting Pepsi (which is funny cuz I don't like that), so I get this big bottle and I was so thirsty I actually took a sip of it before I paid for it. Funny thing was it started to "buzz" or whatever to call it, you know as when you open a fizzy drink. But it didn't stop when I turned the lid back on. Saw a guy in the store carrying a bottle of Fanta with the same problem. Actually I remember a lot of details of people in the store, but it's not important so I'll skip that. The whole thing starts when I get to the register. Now I have for some reason decided to buy some fruit as well. So, I'm in line behind this guy with a jeansjacket. Then when it's my turn a woman tries to cut in line saying it's her turn. I talk to her and say like come on, it's obvious I was here before you etc. Then we let the clerk decide who was there first and she picks the other woman(!), but okay, I decide it's not the end of the world, I'm not in that big of a rush even though I need to hurry up a little bit. This woman turns out to take ages, and God knows what for, and then when she finally is done, another woman tries to cut in line! But this time the clerk attends me first. But the woman that's right behind me now, she has already put some of her stuff on the counter and I ask the woman who was attended before me if she forgot them cuz I didn't see the "new" woman putting them there. So then the new woman get pissed of saying I'm trying to steal her groceries! WTF?! I was trying to be nice! I appologize to this new woman explaining it was a misstake. Either way I manage to calm down this situation. Then the clerk says okay she checked how much I need to pay and gives me this reciet, then tells me to go pay in another place... Which kinda made me think of how the system works in Brazil but anyway, back to the dream. So I go to this other place to pay, and a woman there (another clerk) says that this first woman had pressed some kind of charges on me. Basicly I start to laugh at the situation thinking omg, this is a joke! Where's the freaking cameras?! Eventually i convince this clerk of what happend and tell her that I really wasn't looking for any troubble. Then I don't really remember more of this dream... But I woke up kinda pissed of!
Christ, that was a long entry... So I guess I better stop now eh? Hehe.
This isn't enough no, I have more dreams! Haha, I'm telling you, this is no short entry!
Second part of the dream that I remember is a bit weird. Or everything is weird! Haha! Me and Malin were at the catshelter as we are every other saturday. First thing that happend there was that some cat had managed to break the vaccumcleaner by chewing the tube of it. A big hairy cat btw... hehe. Anyway, we don't use a vaccumcleaner where the cats normally live so it didn't matter that much. Then we walk into this room where there's a washingmachine, cleaningproducts, blankets and such. And in my dream it for some reason looks like a bloody videostore!! There's tons of movies in there! Wtf!? We started to check some of them out thinking that this and that one would be nice to watch. Then Pirjo (a woman that works there) comes in there, picks out Titanic and says to us: we really have to remember to watch this when halloween comes. Me and Malin: Yeah! definitley! Wtf?! HAHAHAHA Etither way, we then decide it's time to start working. Malin says she wrote on the board that we were gonna take care of the blue and pink ward, so I go to get some stuff. Then when I got it, I go back out there and I find Malin in a bathtub???!! Me: What the hell are you doing?!!?! Malin: I'm taking a bath.. Me: WHAT?! HAHAHA omg that was so weird... she had bubbles and everything!!! Hahahaha! And there's not even normally a bathtub there!!! Christ... So weird...
Okay onto the next dream, which is actually weird just cuz I needed to hurry to get to the catshelter, so in a way it happend before the previous dream. Ah well. Here goes:
I'm in this store, I wanted to get something to drink before going to the catshelter. For some reason I had decided on getting Pepsi (which is funny cuz I don't like that), so I get this big bottle and I was so thirsty I actually took a sip of it before I paid for it. Funny thing was it started to "buzz" or whatever to call it, you know as when you open a fizzy drink. But it didn't stop when I turned the lid back on. Saw a guy in the store carrying a bottle of Fanta with the same problem. Actually I remember a lot of details of people in the store, but it's not important so I'll skip that. The whole thing starts when I get to the register. Now I have for some reason decided to buy some fruit as well. So, I'm in line behind this guy with a jeansjacket. Then when it's my turn a woman tries to cut in line saying it's her turn. I talk to her and say like come on, it's obvious I was here before you etc. Then we let the clerk decide who was there first and she picks the other woman(!), but okay, I decide it's not the end of the world, I'm not in that big of a rush even though I need to hurry up a little bit. This woman turns out to take ages, and God knows what for, and then when she finally is done, another woman tries to cut in line! But this time the clerk attends me first. But the woman that's right behind me now, she has already put some of her stuff on the counter and I ask the woman who was attended before me if she forgot them cuz I didn't see the "new" woman putting them there. So then the new woman get pissed of saying I'm trying to steal her groceries! WTF?! I was trying to be nice! I appologize to this new woman explaining it was a misstake. Either way I manage to calm down this situation. Then the clerk says okay she checked how much I need to pay and gives me this reciet, then tells me to go pay in another place... Which kinda made me think of how the system works in Brazil but anyway, back to the dream. So I go to this other place to pay, and a woman there (another clerk) says that this first woman had pressed some kind of charges on me. Basicly I start to laugh at the situation thinking omg, this is a joke! Where's the freaking cameras?! Eventually i convince this clerk of what happend and tell her that I really wasn't looking for any troubble. Then I don't really remember more of this dream... But I woke up kinda pissed of!
Christ, that was a long entry... So I guess I better stop now eh? Hehe.
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