A new beginning

Sunday, 7 August 2011

I'm going!

SO! I'm going! Hehe. Portugal next monday it is! Gonna stay until the 21st of september! Gonna be really nice, and I'm even going on the sam flight as Vitor, which means time will pass faster!

Either way I'm a bit pissed of about my mp3 player. The screen is broken all of a sudden... bah...

Friday, 5 August 2011


Yeah, if I manage to get enough money it looks like i'm traveling back to portugal with Vitor when he goes home. Even if I have enough to cover my planeticket atm I can't spend it all on that... we'll see if I can borrow some money from my dad cuz if i use my money I'll be totally broke when I'm there. Not very fun eh?

Miss having Panda here at home too... It's a bit empty now that she's been gone so long. I hope she'll get better soon so she can come here from time to time at least. <3