A new beginning

Sunday, 7 August 2011

I'm going!

SO! I'm going! Hehe. Portugal next monday it is! Gonna stay until the 21st of september! Gonna be really nice, and I'm even going on the sam flight as Vitor, which means time will pass faster!

Either way I'm a bit pissed of about my mp3 player. The screen is broken all of a sudden... bah...

Friday, 5 August 2011


Yeah, if I manage to get enough money it looks like i'm traveling back to portugal with Vitor when he goes home. Even if I have enough to cover my planeticket atm I can't spend it all on that... we'll see if I can borrow some money from my dad cuz if i use my money I'll be totally broke when I'm there. Not very fun eh?

Miss having Panda here at home too... It's a bit empty now that she's been gone so long. I hope she'll get better soon so she can come here from time to time at least. <3

Saturday, 30 July 2011

My hamster

Well... a couple of days ago me and Vitor went to Skansen to look at the animals, was a very nice day and I got an awesome t-shirt sunburn... lovley... hehe. Right now I'm just sitting here doing nothing... hear a bunch of snoring from my bed though...hehe. Was a bit funny cuz when I left my room to get breakfast I heard snoring from my dads room too. My thoughts were basicly omg... so loud!!!! I have to go down stairs and rest my ears!!! Really felt like that this morning. Ah well... not sure why I'm writing cuz I don't really have much to say. But I can mention that my hamster is awesome!

He's never been a big fan of being petted and so on but yesterday I had to pick him up cuz he had some stuff tangled around his leg and that can be dangerous. And whaddaya know, he didn't object much to me holding him and basicly pulling his tiny leg to get that stuff of him. My little angel! I'm so proud of him! Finally he's realised that humans are nice, but it sure took him some time hehe. He was never mean, but he was scared. I'm so happy! hehe.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Head full of thoughts

It's so easy to live in the moment and forget about stuff that actually need to be done. Just because something "works" it doesn't mean that's the best you can make of it. And these are also the memories you'll have, create your memories instead of just letting time pass by...

Friday, 22 July 2011

Guess who's here

It's my sweet boyfriend of course! Sorry I'm not updating the blog a lot but you all know that I from time to time am terrible at that hehe. We haven't done that much though, showed him a mall... some parts of the city.. oh yeah, and one of the ships that were used in the recording of the pirates of the caribbean movies. It made port here in stockholm over a weekend. Was nice to see it, but it was a lot smaller than I thought it was gonna be.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Wanted to update my blog...

And I screwed up so I just choosed some random template for now. Gonna ask Panda to help me, she updates her blog all the time so maybe if I tell her some fluffy things she'll help me ^^

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Once again, it's been a while. Had a lot on my mind latley but not much to say. Guess I just say it to the people I spend time with instead of writing it down. Not many days left now, gonna be great to have Vitor here for so long! I just hope we can think of enough things to do without spending too much money hehe.

Well, yesterday I started fixing my room, clearing out some drawers and such so he can put his stuff somewhere when he's here. All in all I got a bunch of rearanging stuff to do.

And guess what... I'm tired! Hehe... Was up a bit too late considering the fact that I had to get up a bit early today. Guess I could take a nap now that I'm home again but meh... don't really want to. Maybe I'll play some games for a bit and then continue with my room.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


I slept a bit long today but hey, I made up for it. Been out for a run, then rollerblading and then I did my exrecise dvd. I'm awesome. Was so freakin' nice to take a shower after that! Phew! Gonna take a quick look around downstairs and clean up a bit. Don't want to live in a pigsty.

Think I'm gonna do some laundry too, cuz well it doesn't really require much effort from me. Lunch or a snack would be a nice thing too... After that I'm gonna obey my hamsters request and clean his cage.

And then... COMPUTERGAMES!! hehe

Monday, 27 June 2011

Happy material girl!

That's me! At least today it is hehe. I don't care so much about stuff but to be woken up by my dad who says we're going shopping is always a nice thing. Now I've got a whole bunch of new stuff! But I limited myself to socks and underwear except for a bag hehe. Cuz I wanted new stuff hehe. Happy!

Sunday, 26 June 2011


I'm so tired of cleaning up dishes now... Feels like I'm not doing anything else than that. And most people just leave it everywhere and then I have to go clean... bah... And someone stole most of my kokosbollar :( So now I'm gonna eat the ones that are left cuz they are mine. Feeling: Stuffed.